Monday, January 16, 2012

Skinny Bitch (I only wish someone would call me that!)

To further motivate me I bought the above book yesterday for my Nook Color. Plus I also bought "Skinny Bitch In The Kitch" I like her style since I have been called a "bitch" many times, just not a skinny one.
I've done nothing but sit on my couch since my hip situation, today is the day and I'm going back to it! I'm going out for a "run/walk". I'm sitting here eating celery sticks,yum(Not!) Waiting to eat a healthy salad for lunch and then grilled salmon and grilled zucchini for dinner. Why is it food is on my mind from the minute my foot hits the floor in the morning, during every waking hour and then when my head is on the pillow? Why the obsession? Why can't I replace the thoughts of food with thoughts of working out?
I've spent the weekend surrounding myself with "healthy" things by joining healthy eating blogs, joining P.I.N.K. method support groups on Facebook and Pinning all things healthy on my Pinterest page. I'm doing all the correct things, right? So this time, I WON'T FAIL! Right? Wishes.......

Friday, January 13, 2012

Hip Hop or NOT!!!!

O.K. so I got up and "Did It!" for 3 (THREE) days.......oh the millions of lunges, squats, and plie`s I did!...My thighs and bum were aching! And on the fourth day....I bent over to move an empty milk crate and BAMMMM! A lightening bolt of pain went from my bum to to the back of my knee! OUCH!!!!! The pain was horrible! I tried to walk it off, NO. I tried to stretch it off, NO. So I one, dead leg walked down to the school nurse, wincing in pain every step of the way. A diagnosis was made and I hobbled back to my classroom....should I go to the Dr. or just tough it out? Back and forth back and forth...but because of the coumadin that I take, I decided to go. THANK GOD!
The Dr. looked at my feet and said something was off.....long story short, my left hip was out of joint! The Dr. pushed and pulled my legs for about a half an hour! Then POP! my hip went back into place and the pain was GONE. INSTANTLY. So I thought. I started out today with little pain.......But now, BOTH hips are SCREAMING in pain, not the pain I had with the dislocation but an achy pain that is constant, especially when I walk and I feel my hip "catching" when I walk. Hopefully it's from the swelling and will go away with Naproxin. I "Did It" alright...Did I tell you I HATE EXERCISING????

Monday, January 9, 2012


I HATE EXERCISING! There, I said it. I hate everything to do with the word....Body Pump? Yuck. Spinning? Yuck. The Dread Mill? Yuck. Elliptical? Yuck. Jogging? Yuck. Walking in the winter? Yuck. My new exercise D.V.D. Super Yuck. (Because I did it today and know I'm going to be oh so S-O-R-E tomorrow and the day after and the day after that.....)But after I actually force myself to exert any type of organized exercise, I am glad that I did it. So why can't the memory of that euphoria make me want to get up and just get to it? I don't know. Well, I need to make my reboot for a healthier life a "No excuse" reboot.

I just need to get up off my rear and "Just Do It!" What a simple phrase but with a powerful outcome.

My thighs and rear will be screaming tomorrow.


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Diligence? Where is Mine?

I'm starting this blog to hopefully stop my "unhealthy" habits and focus on the "healthy" habits I know that are good for me but continue to ignore.
I don't know why I have no will power when it comes to food. A lot of people see me as a very "strong" person in many aspects of my life. I even see myself as "strong". But why, oh, why am I so weak when it comes to food? I start everyday (M-F) off with great intentions: Protein drink, meatless lunch, glasses of water, a meat and veggies for dinner THEN.......... sitting on the couch time. Beer, pretzels, chips and salsa, peanuts......NOT JUST A LITTLE....GOBS AND GOBS.....Then the weekends....I'm addicted to chicken wings. I can seriously eat my weight in chicken wings! And more beer! And what is this thing I have in my head about eating all of the holiday food until it is gone? I know it's not good for me but I can't bring myself to throw it out for the sake of "all the money I spent on it in the first place"! I need to refocus and find my diligence again! I was so strong this past summer and early fall. What was it that kept me focused and strong? I'm hoping I find that diligence again...SOON. Well, tomorrow is another day. I can start anew......DILIGENCE! No snacks! No beer! Walk! Good food only! DILIGENCE! No snacks! No beer! Walk! Good food only! DILIGENCE! No snacks! No beer! Walk! Good food only!DILIGENCE!DILIGENCE!DILIGENCE!Please find me again!